Dec 26, 2017
This week on Write About Now, I interview Game of Thrones recapper and New York Times assistant editor, TV, Jeremy Egner! If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, you’ll really enjoy this episode. And even if you’ve never watched an episode of the show in your life, you still might find the whole process of writing TV recaps for a living sort of a fascinating gig.
Jeremy started his journalism career as a features reporter for the Austin Herald Statesmen, writing a daily entertainment column for the paper. His interest in digital media landed him a job at the New York Times digital department doing interactive interviews with producers and writers such Joss Whedon. Eventually, he transitioned into writing and editing TV stories full time for the paper.
Jeremy fell into recapping TV shows by chance. The Times was looking to up their recapping game and wondered if any staffers were interested in taking on weekly synopses of GOT. The show was just beginning Season 3, and not the force of nature it is today. Jeremy was the only one to raise his hand. Four years later, his recaps are the most read and engaged features he’s ever written, far surpassing the other recaps he writes for The Walking Dead and Mr. Robot—although those are very good, too. On the podcast, he talks about the process and craft of his GOT recaps, the trials and tribulations of getting right and on time Sunday nights, and makes some stunning predictions on the final season.